Entry & exit capacities

Capacities of gas flowing into the network at an interconnection point (entry) and leaving the network at an interconnection point (exit). The user manual is available in undefined English (655 kb).

Base and oversubscription capacity of Fluxys TENP GmbH and Fluxys Deutschland GmbH. The file can be downloaded here.


Technical available capacities

Technical available capacities taking into account the system integrity and the operational requirements of the transmission network on the interconnection points of Fluxys TENP and Fluxys Deutschland.

Commercial available capacities

Commercial maximum, contracted and available capacities for all capacity products offered at the bookable Entry and Exit interconnection points of Fluxys TENP and Fluxys Deutschland.


You can download the complete User manual here

Capacities due to temperature forecast

Commercial maximum, contracted and available capacities for temperature dependent capacity products offered at the bookable Entry and Exit interconnection points of Fluxys TENP & Fluxys Deutschland.