Welcome to the Fluxys Electronic Data Platform

As of today, January 31, 2024, we are pleased to inform you that the transition to Single Sign-On (SSO) for all Fluxys Group applications has been successfully completed. This means that you can now access all Fluxys Group applications seamlessly with a single username and password. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to read our SSO user guide or reach out to us via email at dispatching.fluxystenp@fluxys.com.

TENP Pipeline NEL Pipeline, EUGAL Pipeline and OAL Pipeline
Fluxys TENP GmbH is transmission system operator in the TENP pipeline and commercializes approximately 64% of the system’s capacity. Fluxys Deutschland GmbH is transmission system operator in the NEL pipeline where it commercializes approximately 24% of the system’s capacity. Fluxys Deutschland GmbH is transmission system operator in the EUGAL pipeline where it commercializes 16,5% of the system's capacity. Fluxys Deutschland GmbH is transmission system operator in the OAL pipeline where it commercializes 25 % of the system's capacity.

During office hours:


Phone: +49 211 420909 0

E-mail: dispatching.fluxystenp@fluxys.com

During office hours:


Phone: +49 211 420909 0

E-mail: dispatching.fluxystenp@fluxys.com


Fluxys TENP & Deutschland UMM communication


Please be advised that Urgent Market Messages (UMM) from Fluxys TENP & Deutschland will now be published on the ENTSOG Transparency Platform and no longer on our Electronic Data Platform. Please ensure that your RSS feeds are refreshed to this effect.

In the event the Transparency Platform is unavailable, you will be able to access our UMM's on the Gas Infrastructure Europe platform

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